For over ten years, our team has been providing Etisalat Egypt with all the required products and services in the following fields:

IT Department

  • Integration
  • Business Process Management
  • Interactive Voice Response
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Customer Solutions
  • Mobile Application

IT Support: provide resources to support all system in Etisalat Egypt.

  • Java Applications
  • Siebel
  • IVR
  • Sales Application

Network Department: provide many resource to support the following functions.

  • Exchange
  • Share point
  • Network Activities

Call for support

02 - 25282550


Maadi Al Khabiri Al Gharbeyah, Maadi, Cairo Governorate 11431

In 2004, our team started one of the largest statistical systems in Egypt. The objective was to develop an Enterprise-wide solution for the Ministry of Health of Egypt that facilitates the process of data collection, storage, and analysis of medical, health, and statistical records of the entire nation of Egypt. This system is web-based and enables ease of access.

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